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Coaches Resources

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Coach Code of Conduct

The athlete/coach relationship is a privileged one. Coaches play a critical role in the personal as well as athletic development of their athletes.

The executive members of the New Westminster Soccer Club(NWSC) have developed this Code of Conduct to clarify and distinguish approved, accepted, and ethical behaviour from that which is detrimental to the development of the sport of soccer and the players. The term Coach shall include, but is not limited to Head Coach and Assistant Coach.

BC Soccer Resources

Respect in Sport Activity Leaders

Ongoing coach education, player safety and providing helpful resource materials are of great importance to BC Soccer. This page has been designed to provide the membership, affiliated organizations, coaches, parents and players with educational health, fitness, safety and age appropriate coaching resources. 

New Westminster Soccer Club is excited to be taking a leadership role in protecting our kids, by making the Respect in Sport Activity Leader program certification mandatory for our coaches and managers.

For full details on how to complete your Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders, please contact Vafa Bartlett:

For more information on the Respect in Sport program, please visit: